Kidney mudra 

are you suffering from kidney problems, swelling in any parts of the body, suffering from dropsy?

kidney mudra is an effective remedy for all your kidney problems and disorders.  kidney mudra is a combination of surya mudra and jalodar nashak ( jal shamak ) mudra. 

Mudra is a unique and one of the best techniques that can be used to attain any health benefit by continuous and regular practice.

Mudras are hand gestures that balance the five elements called the panchabooth (fire, earth, water, air, and space) in our body. Mudras help in balancing the three doshas in the body called the vatha, pittha, and the Kapha doshas.

Mudra for kidney problems

How to perform this mudra:

step 1: sit comfortably in vajrasana with your back straight.

step 2: bring the tip of the ring finger and little finger to the base of the thumb.

step 3: now slightly press these two fingers with your thumb. the thumb should be placed on both the fingers.

step 4: keep the other fingers straight.

Benefits of performing this mudra:

  • By practicing this mudra one can avoid the risk of getting kidney diseases and disorders.
  • Practicing this mudra regularly removes the excess water from the body and helps in maintaining a healthy kidney.
  • People suffering from edema(swelling like water retention), Ascitis (abdominal swelling caused by kidney or liver problem), dropsy can practice this mudra and get relief from water retention in the body.
  • Helps in reducing the swelling effect due to elephantiasis.
  • One can practice this mudra if there is swelling in any part of the body like the face,  hands, and legs.
  • Throat pain, problem of phlegm in throat, running nose are cleared gradually.
  • This mudra is useful in irregular menstrual problems, it helps in regulating the flow of menstrual fluids.
  • Cures hyperacidity and lose motion.
  • Relieves from running nose, teary eyes, excess salivation and frequent urination.
  • Helps in normal delivery if practiced after completing eight months of pregnancy.

when and how long should the mudras be performed:

These mudras can be performed at any point of time in a day. one has to start by holding this mudra for 5 minutes and can be stretched up to 45 minutes a day.


do not practice this mudra unnecessarily without reason.

This mudra should be done only if there are any of the underlying problems that are mentioned.

discontinue practicing this mudra as soon as you have seen betterment in the condition.

Pregnant women under 8 months of pregnancy should not perform this mudra. pregnant women who have completed 8 months can practice this mudra to have a normal delivery.

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